Sunday, April 26, 2020

Reflection - element 6 of authentic learning

Reflection is an important part of the learning process and therefor an authentic learning process must have reflection as one of its elements. Reflection allows the student to think about decisions made during and after a task. Reflection in action refers to the reflection taken during the activity and can provide the student with opportunities to changes aspects of the work they have done (Herrington, 2011).

Reflection on action refers to the reflection done after a task or activity is completed and provides benefit in retrospect. Thus, allowing the student to think of improved approaches in future tasks.
This reflection happens individually with students but should also happen socially through discussions with experts, their peers and educators (Herrington, 2011).

In a school based assessment, it would be good to have a check in with the students every few days to have them reflect their progress to the teacher. The teacher can also include the making of a reflection journal, whether it be hand written or electronic, part of the assessment criteria.

Reference: Herrington, J. (2011, September 30). Authentic learning 6: REFLECTION [Video file]. Retrieved from

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